Interface Summary | |
CacheInfo | Interface to describe how much of a cache is in use. |
ConsoleOutputListener | Listener to react on lines written by an external Process. |
ImageInCacheListener | Listener to be notified if an image is available in the cache. |
ProgressChangeListener | Interface to listen for ProgressChangedEvents from a Progressable. |
StandardConstants | Various constants repeatedly used all over the place. |
Task | A complex tasks that updates its current progress while running. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractTask | Base for a Task already handling progress related issues. |
ActionDelegate | Delegate for ActionEvents. |
ArchiveCache | Cache for extracted archives. |
ArchiveCacheEntry | An entry in the cache. |
BasicSettings | Extended Properties with additional features. |
ColorBox | A JComponent that renders as a simple box with a single color. |
ConsoleTools | Utility methods to interact with command line interface. |
CopyFileTask | Task to copy a file, overwritting a possibly already existing file. |
CreateImagInfoMapTask | Task to obtain image sizes from a list of image files. |
ErrorTools | Tools for error handling and reporting. |
ExtractPdfImagesTask | Task to extract all images from a PDF file to a specified target folder. |
ExtractRarTask | Task to extract contents of a RAR file to a target folder. |
ExtractZipTask | Task to extract contents of a ZIP file to a target folder. |
FileArchive | An archive containing files. |
FileTools | Utility methods to deal with comic files. |
ImageCache | Cache to store RenderedImages in memory. |
ImageCacheEntry | Entry in ImageCache. |
ImageInfo | Information about size and format of an image. |
ImageRenderSettings | Settings to specify how to render an image depending on user preferences and window size. |
ImageTools | Utility methods for working with images. |
KeyValuePair | Simple key and value pair. |
LocaleTools | Tools for localization. |
MutexLock | Mutex lock for synchronized blocks. |
NaturalCaseInsensitiveOrderComparator | NaturalOrderComparator that ignores case. |
NaturalOrderComparator | Comparator to perform a 'natural order' comparisons of strings. |
NestedTask | A task composed of sub-tasks. |
NumberedName | Representation of a name with a optional path, prefix, number and suffix. |
NumberedNameComparator | Comparator for NumberedNames. |
ProcessOutputThread | Thread to get out or err of a Process, and append them to a list. |
ProgressChangeSupport | Utility class to simplify implementing a Progressable. |
ProgressFrame | JFrame containing a label to display a note on the status, a progress bar and a "Cancel" button. |
RegExFileFilter | Filter for files with a name matching a regular expression. |
StringTools | Utility class to simplify dealing with Strings. |
SwingWorker | This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread. |
SystemTools | Utility methods to simplify dealing system dependent issues. |
UiTools | User interface tools. |
XmlTools | Various utility methods to simplify processing XML data. |
Exception Summary | |
ConsoleIOException | Exception thrown by ConsoleTools.run() if the command fails. |
IOExceptionWithCause | IOException that allows to specify a cause in the constructor. |
ItemMustBeDownloadedException | Exception to be thrown if a component is missing, but can be downloaded from somewhere. |
OperationCanceledException | Exception to indicate that a operation has been canceled by the user. |
TunneledIOException | RuntimeException to tunnel those pesky checked IOExceptions to unchecked exception. |
Various tools