Interface Summary | |
Commands | Action commands assigned to buttons and menu items. |
Class Summary | |
AboutFrame | AboutFrame is a frame with an icon, a text using a Mac OS X Cocoa style. |
AwtExceptionHandler | Generic error handler for errors that fall through to AWT standard handler. |
BooleanSettingCheckBox | JCheckBox connected to a boolean property in Settings . |
BooleanSettingMenuItem | JCheckBoxMenuItem to change a setting of type boolean , and keep in sync with it. |
ChangeBlurSettingsDialog | Dialog to change blur related settings. |
ChoiceSettingButtonGroup | ButtonGroup of JRadioButtons that when clicked will set a setting to the value
assigned to the specific button. |
ColorButton | Button to show a color, and open a JColorChooser to change it once clicked. |
ColorSettingMenuItem | JMenuItem to change a setting of type Color . |
ConvertDialog | Modal JDialog to specify parameters, source, and target of a conversion. |
ConvertWorker | SwingWorker to convert comics. |
CreateComicDialog | Dialog to specify how to create new comics. |
CreateComicFileFilter | FileFilter accepting files that should be included in a new comic. |
CreateComicWorker | SwingWorker to create a comic from a set of image files. |
ExportItem | Information needed to export a file from a source to a target and show progress. |
FileArchiveListCellRenderer | ListCellRenderer to show non-comics as disabled. |
FileFieldAdder | Utility class to add components to an existing JPanel to set a file path. |
FramelessJomicMenuBar | JomicMenuBar to be used under Mac OS X when no window is open. |
FullScreenViewer | Comic viewer in full screen mode connected to a JomicFrame. |
FullScreenViewerRunner | Runnable to launch FullScreenViewer. |
ImageFormatTableModel | TableModel to show supported image formats in SystemInfoFrame. |
JomicApplication | Jomic application that manages all open comics and processes comic independent commands like "about", "help", or "quit". |
JomicFrame | JFrame containing the whole user interface acting as controller between the components. |
JomicFrameCloseRunner | Runnable to close a JomicFrame by sending a WINDOW_CLOSING event. |
JomicMenuBar | Menubar for all comic operations. |
JomicToolbar | Toolbar for essential comic operations. |
LimitedIntSettingSlider | JSlider connected to a setting changing its value as the user adjusts it. |
OpenComicFileChooserAccessory | JPanel to be used as accessory in the "open comic" dialog containing additional options. |
OpenFromArchiveDialog | Dialog to chose a file from a comic archive that did not contain any images rather than comic archives. |
OpenRecentMenu | Menu to collect files recently opened. |
RenderedImageView | JComponent to show a RenderedImage. |
SetSettingAction | Action to set a setting to a certain value. |
SettingsFrame | Frame to change settings. |
SnapableJFileChooser | JFileChooser that remembers own location and dimension. |
SystemInfoFrame | Frame to show information about environment, relevant version numbers, and supported image formats. |
ToggleBooleanSettingAction | Action to toggle a boolean setting. |
Viewing and controlling of the user interface