Revision History |
Revision 0.9.34 | 08-Oct-2011 |
Revision 0.9.33 | 01-Aug-2011 |
Application Fixed conversion of CBR comics which still tried to
use the unrar command line tool. Fixed processing of CBR comics that use Unicode for
contained file names. Cleaned up order of comics during conversion, which
seemed rather random.
Revision 0.9.32 | 30-Jul-2011 |
Application Fixed application launch for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) by
changing the included JavaApplicationStub to a symbolic
link to the local stub. This ensures that Jomic uses an
Intel stub on Intel Macs and a PowerPC stub on PowerPC
Macs [Feature
request 3331343]. Removed need to install unrar
command by switching to junrar. Changed opening of web pages to use Bare Bones
Browser Launch instead of BrowserLauncher, which
utilizes Java's built in web browser resolution provided
that JDK 1.6 or later is used. Removed single JAR because it failed to launch due
to different signatures between Jomic classes and Java
Development Added an experimental Debian package. Refer to the
developer guide for more information. Changed logging to use Apache commons-logging
directly and removed the need for WrapLog. Log4j is still
there but technically would not be needed anymore because
by now PDFBox uses commons-logging too.
Revision 0.9.31 | 21-Apr-2011 |
Application Fixed excessive CPU usage if an image could not be
read due to certain error conditions. Fixed spurious broken images if a comic ZIP was
created using Mac OS X's compress in Finder. For every
image like some.png , compress adds a
file __MACOSX/.some.png containing
the resource fork [Bug
3285681]. Fixed help menu under Mac OS X, which automatically
got a search bar that never found anything and disabled
all other help menu entries. Fixed size and location of dialog to set blur
options. If the dialog now has a sensible size when opened
for the first time and remembers its size and location
between application launches. Fixed missing images for web start. Changed comic conversion to continue with next comic
in case one comic fails. Added possibility to open and convert more PDF
comics than before by upgrading to PDFBox 1.5. Changed memory available for Java from 256 MB to 1
GB in order to cope with PDFBox's increased memory
requirements when reading complex PDF documents. Improved look and feel under Mac OS X 10.6 by
updating to Quaqua 6.5. Changed internal image reading, rendering and
filtering to use the Java standard library instead of JAI.
Ideally you should not notice any difference. Some things
you might notice: Certain broken images cannot be read
anymore ("Booh! Hiss!" - Fix 'em!). Detection and
processing of broken images is slightly faster.
Application launch is slightly faster. The user interface
is a little snappier. Certain error messages are less
Development Changed filters for blur to be based on code by
JHLabs instead if JAI. Removed the need to be online in order to build the
documentation. Changed XML pretty printer from Java to Python. In
order for this to work, you need the lxml Python library.
Refer to the developer guide for details. Removed application dependency on JAI. Some test
cases still use it to show difference and validate test
results, so JAI is still part of the repository. Improved section on getting the first build to work.
(After trying it myself for the first time in 3 years, I
noticed some pitfalls...).
Revision 0.9.30 | 20-Apr-2008 |
Application Fixed and improved image rendering: Fixed error: Problem occurs when computing a
tile by the owner [Bug
1827855]. Fixed rendering of black and white images
1456026]. Fixed various rendering issues in windowed mode
by getting rid of the deprecated and buggy
DisplayJAI and using code
similar to full screen mode. Fixed resource leaks related to image drawing
(Developer note:missing
Graphics.dispose() ). Improved performance of displaying certain
JFIF/JPEG images that until now occupied the CPU for
several seconds. (Developer note: This was caused by
being awfully slow with a scale transformation and
render settings using
has been fixed by internally enforcing all images to
be 32-bit RBG without alpha channel.)
Fixed "Can't find resouce for bundle" error when
attempting to warn that a web page could not be opened
1886584]. Changed space bar and mouse navigation to
automatically open previous/next comic when reaching the
beginning/end of comic. Page up/down still behave the old
way and can be used to navigate without possible files
being opened. Added rotation set with
to be
preserved over sessions. Added
to make it simple for automatic tools and interested web
sites to check for updates of Jomic. Updated Quaqua to version 4.4.1.
Revision 0.9.29 | 29-Dec-2007 |
Application Fixed conversion of comic folders with nested
folders, which failed because the target folder structure
was not generated automatically. Fixed image file suffix in converted comics, which
retained the value from the source image. If
01.jpg gets converted to PNG, the
name now properly changes to
01.png . Reverted JavaApplicationStub to the version included
with Mac OS X 10.3, hopefully fixing a problem that
prevents Jomic from launching on older Macs. Updated JAI to version 1.1.3 and JAI ImageIO to
version 1.1. This improves the robustness of image
processing. Updated Quaqua to version 4.0, which adds a few
minor improvments for Mac OS X 10.5.
Revision 0.9.28 | 15-Dec-2007 |
Application Fixed that CBR comics could not be opened with Mac
OS X 10.5 on Intel Macs by updating to unrar 3.60b6 from
the UnRarX distribution. Apparently the version currently
downloadable from Rarlabs is broken [Bug
1821998, fixed by aboris26]. Fixed AssertionError
after canceling "Open comic" dialog and quit [Bug
1821792]. Fixed AssertionError
when unrar could not be found and the user clicked "Go to
download page" [Bug
1822003]. Changed license from GPL v2 or later to GPL v3 or
later. Updated JavaApplicationStub to version included with
Mac OS X 10.5.0. This gets rid of a warning in the Console
log of Intel Macs, which said:
[JavaAppLauncher] application launched
with ppc-thin application stub. Using native application
stub instead.
Revision 0.9.27 | 21-Oct-2007 |
Application Fixed page number when viewing a comic starting with
a landscape page [Bug
1734338]. Fixed
when trying to go to unrar page [Bug
1758007]. Fixed detection of broken images caused by empty
image files. For some reason, JAI seems to think these are
images with zero width and height. Changed created CBZ comics to not compress images of
format GIF, JPEG/JFIF and PNG because they are already
compressed. Changed default disk cache size from 512 MB to 128
MB. If you prefer the old value (or an even bigger one),
change the archiveCacheSizeInMb in as described in
the section called “Advanced Settings”. Added proper error message when trying to create a
comic from a non-existent source folder instead of just
"NullPointerException ". Added option to blur images for old scans or
outdated prints as described the section called “Blur” and the section called “Set blur options” [Patch
1756279, contributed by lordbobo]. Added option "Create comic for each sub folder" to
"New comic" dialog. Improved progress bar when converting to be updated
continously instead of after each converted comic [Feature
request 1499100]. Improved render quality of thumbnail images. Improved progress bar when opening comic:
Changed progress window title to contain name
of comic to be opened. Changed layout to match Mac OS X progress
windows more closely. Added "Cancel" to be the defaut button. Added possibility to cancel the dialog by
pressing Escape or (on Mac OS)
Improved "New comic" dialog: Cleaned up a few JAI based implementations to use
standard Java image APIs.
Documentation Development Cleaned up the developer guide. Most important it
now reflects that SourceForge moved Subversion
repositories to a new location a while ago. Furthermore
their are no more references to the source code archive
which won't be updated anymore (it regularly was broken
and did not compile out of the box - unlike the
repository). Cleaned up a few issues with ant and xalan. Ant
versions before 1.63 should be able to build Jomic, and
the targets to generate the documentation should now work
on more platforms and JVM versions.
Revision 0.9.26 | 31-May-2007 |
Application Fixed blank images in comic converted to PDF when
viewed with a normal PDF viewer (such as Apple's Preview
or Adobe Reader). It was caused by an overly simplistic
file type recognition only taking the suffix into account.
PDF documents only support a few image formats, so Jomic
automatically converts unsupported formats to JFIF/JPEG.
However, if for example a PNG image was improperly named
"01.jpg " it was not converted.
1721414]. Fixed missing update of "Open recent" items in
frameless menu (Mac OS X). [Bug
1633498]. Fixed opeing of PDF comics with images using CCITT
fax encoding by upgrading PDFBox to version 0.73. [Bug
1253492]. Fixed maximum width of landscape images trimmed by
which had only
half of their supposed width. Fixed additional bytes added at the end of copied
files (for example when converting comics). This
suprisingly did not seem to cause any actual problems
because most readers cut them off. Changed "broken comic page" images to use the same
icon as broken thumbnails. Added
to create a new comic from a set of image
files. Added that activating the window using the mouse
does not change the current page. [Feature
request 1699757]. Added
for Mac OS X. There is no point having this menu
item on other platforms because for the time being Jomic
only supports a single window - closing it quits the
application. However, under Mac OS X the frameless menu
remains and the application keeps running [Feature
request 1699756]. Cleaned up obtaining of image size from a file.
Until now, Jomic looked up an
ImageReader using the image file
suffix - which is apparently stupid because it is possible
that the suffix does not match the actual image format and
the reader will fail. If this happened, Jomic used JAI as
a fallback to read the whole image (in order to just get
the size), which apparenty is a lot slower than just
reading the size from the header. Not sure how the code
ended up like this, but it is fixed: now Jomic obtains the
ImageReader based on the actual
image data, reads the size from the header, and there is
no more fallback to JAI. Cleaned up error message when failing to open full
screen window. Updated to Quaqua 3.8 (experimental, from
2007-05-26). Among other things, this improves the file
dialogs for Mac OS X.
Documentation Development Changed JomicTestFixture to
automatically prevent
JomicStartup.exit() from quitting
the application. This prevents premature termination of
test cases. Fixed incomprehensible XSLT error messages during
DocBook generation when using various combinations of ant,
JDK and xalan by adding the xalan.jar
included in repository to the classpath used by the
DocBook ant targets.
Revision 0.9.25 | 19-Mar-2007 |
Application Fixed warning "Cannot obtain unrar version" for
unrar 3.6. Unlike earlier versions, this one has an exit
code of 7 when calling without any arguments in order to
view the usage text. Moved cache and settings to platform conformant
folders under Windows. This only works in case Jomic is
launched using jomic.bat because it
requires access to environment variables. There is no
non-depreacted way to do this in Java unfortunately. So
far, the cache was in %TEMP%\jomic.*
and the settings in
you might want to remove them to release disk
space. Moved cache and settings to
~/.jomic/* under Unix. So far, the
cache was in /tmp/jomic.* and the
settings in ~/ , so
you might want to remove them to release disk
space. Changed log under Windows to be stored in
%TEMP%\jomic-%USERNAME%.log instead
of being printed in the console. Changed default Unix installer group from "Jomic" to
"Graphics" because this is where Kubuntu puts other comic
viewers. Removed jomic.bat from
installations other than Windows. Added JAI package to installer. While this makes it
a lot easier to get Jomic working (no thanks to Sun's
incomprehensible download page and confusing installer),
this only includes the non-native parts of JAI. This
implies that some things run slower than if you would have
used Sun's installer matching your platform. (In practice
there is not much of a difference except when loading TIFF
images. There is a lot of bit-shifting involved in
decoding a TIFF which is one of the few areas where Java
is lacking compared to C/C++.) Added mouse navigation to full screen mode [Patch
1667595, contributed by fursten]. Added check box to "Open comic" dialog to adjust
file extension in case it is wrong or does not describe a
comic archive. For example,
will be renamed to hugo.cbz , and a
ZIP archive improperly names hugo.cbr
will be renamed to hugo.cbz [Feature
request 1214663]. Added anti-aliasing to busy/broken substitute
images. Updated IzPack to version 3.90. Although there were
never any complaints, this among other things fixes a
possible installer crash with Java 5.0. It also adds a
couple of improvements to the desktop shortcuts and
Documentation Development Changed DocBook integration to use archives for
docbook-xml and docbook-xsl instead of the actual source
trees as part of the repository. This is useful because:
Speed: "svn status" is much faster now because
a huge amount of files is not part of the repository
anymore. Size: the repository got a little
smaller. Easier update: in case of new releases, only
the archives and the build.xml have to be adjusted.
Before this implied messing with the source
tree. Subversion Id's in docbook files maintain
their proper value.
In order for this to work, you have to
call ant setup once. This extractes the
related archives and makes the required files available to
build the documentation.
Revision 0.9.24 | 07-Jan-2007 |
Application Fixed that if the initial "Open file" dialog was
cancelled, the application remained open without any frame
on platforms other than Mac OS X [Bug
1537824]. Added rotation for full screen mode [Feature
request 1624604, contributed by fursten]. Added front page preview image to "Open comic"
dialog when a comic is selected.
Revision 0.9.23 | 12-Nov-2006 |
Application Fixed NoClassDefFoundError in launcher scripts if
installation path contained blanks (as in "C:\Program
Files") [Bug
1537824]. Fixed overlap of two images when reading from left
to right in full-screen [Bug
1594668]. Fixed keyboard handling in full-screen mode. (Note:
Java keyboard handling is a nightmare. Java full-screen
mode is a nightmare. Together, they are almost unbearable.
After lots of sweat and tears I'm now reasonably convinced
that assigning a KeyListener to the full-sscreen frame
directly is pretty much on the only way to make it work.
With no other JComponent in the frame needed and no
InputMap ever touched.) [Part of Bug
1445957]. Fixed occasional empty screen when switching to
full-screen. The reason was that Swing's repaint events
were disabled too late, so that after initially drawing
the image a repaint was sent. Because the full-screen
paint() does nothing, it just
cleared the screen. Fixed AssertionError
when attempting to open next/previous comic while in
full-screen and already at last/first issue. Fixed error message if full-screen could not be
opened due incapable device. Changed image rendering to use bilinear
interpolation instead of the platforms default. This
increases the quality of rescaled images, in particular
under Windows XP. Added check box "Open in full screen" to "Open
comic" dialog.
Revision 0.9.22 | 31-Jul-2006 |
Application Fixed
, which did not use
natural order. For example,
blah-100.cbz was not the next comic
after blah-99.cbz [Bug
1511024]. Fixed AssertionError
when attempting to open a PDF comic without any images
1524833]. Fixed that some errors showed the first line of the
message twice. Changed unrar to extract only image files from the
archive. For this to work, Unrar 3.5 or later must be
installed. Otherwise you get an error telling "cannot
process unrar command line options". Changed default in "Open comic" progress bar note
from " " to "..." in order to prevent a relayout when the
note is set to a "real" text the first time. Added
request 1079339]. Added command line option --clear-cache to remove
cached files from disk [Feature
request 1456025].
Documentation Development Changed organization of test files to use the
following directories: tests/generated : generated
and filled with data by the ant target
tests/input : static test
data that would be too complicated to generate.
tests/output : output
directory for test cases that write files for later
examination. The ant target "clean" deletes all these
tests/expected : static
files representing expected test data that must match
its equivalents in tests/output .
to comapare two such files.
now looks up both tests/generated and
tests/input to retrieve the
Added target test-jml, which runs the test suite with
JML assertions enabled. In order for this to work, JML 5.3 or
later has to be installed. For more information on JMP refer
to Currently only a few classes feature a JML
specification, but this should grow. The main problems with
this are the long compile times and the fact that none of the
pretty printers I know can handle JML comments
Revision 0.9.21 | 25-May-2006 |
Application Fixed
NullPointerException when
cancelling "Open dialog" again after cancelling "Open
dialog" already on startup and attempting to open a comic
from the framelesss menu under Mac OS X. Fixed command line option --license, which did not
do anything. Added default file name to "Export image"
dialog. Added a short application description and links to
libraries used to the "About" dialog. Added a generic error dialog for all errors that
happen "in the background" (read: the evil Java AWT event
handling thread). So far, Jomic should already have
reported most of such errors already, but one never
Development Changed todo report to use same template as the
Checkstyle report. Added system property
net.sf.jomic.test.ignoreExit, which
when set to "true" prevents Jomic from calling
System.exit() . This is useful for
test cases that want to quit Jomic without cancelling the
test case. Added system property
to supress error dialogs and just log the message. This is
useful for testing to prevent tests from getting stuck
because of modal error dialogs popping up. Improved style checks: Updated to Checkstyle 4.1. Added a lot of new checks. Some have been part
of the coding guidelines, but not been checked for
yet. Most important, attempting to assign a new value
to a parameter and using more than one return
statement is now detected. Interesting new checks are
those for cyclomatic and NPath complexity. They
mercilessly point out messy code segments. Suppressed checks for test cases that make no
sense in test code. For example, test code uses a lot
ofmagic numbers as expected test results. Moving this
to symbolic constants is not going to make the code
more legible.
Revision 0.9.20 | 11-Apr-2006 |
Application Fixed startup error
NoClassDefFoundError :
by updating to Xerces-J 2.8.0. Probably there was some
incompatibility between Java 1.5 and Xerces-J 2.7.1
because I could not reproduce this with Mac OS 10.3 and
Java 1.4 [Bug
1467579] Fixed a few minor issues with file dialogs under Mac
OS X by upgrading to Quaqua 3.6.5. For details, see
Quaqua's changes. Changed "Go to page" dialog to preselect page number
so the user can overwrite it by just starting to type, and
improved keyboard support: press Enter to
go to the specified page, or Escape to
cancel. Changed UnRAR utility included with Mac OS X release
from UnRarX 3.20 to a universal binary of unrar 3.51. This
should speed up opening CBR archives with Intel
Development Changed instructions on localization
to start with the quick steps on adding a new language,
and plunge in the gory details later. Changed version control system from CVS to
Subversion (SVN). This makes development a lot less
painful. The developer guide already contains the relevant
instructions to check out the new repository. The CVS will still be around for some time as
backup, but it is frozen at version 0.9.19. Changes are
commited to the Subversion repository only. Change creation of web site thumbnails to use the
ant <image> task. In order for this to work, the
lib/jai_*.jar must be in the ant
classpath. Cleaned up repository: Removed a bunch of generated files from
repository, in particular things derived from
version.xml or created by
TestDataCreator . This results
in a reposity that will not compile immediately after
a check-out, though. Refer to the developer guide on
how to get started. Fixed cyclic dependancies. (Thanks to
Subversion, a rename does not require a SourceForge
support request anymore. Imagine that, CVS.)
Added som metrics
that outline how the source code and project evolved over
time. This is pretty nerdy stuff unless you are into
software engineering. Added a CIA
project, which among other things allows to read
commits using an RSS
Revision 0.9.19 | 27-Mar-2006 |
Revision 0.9.18 | 27-Mar-2006 |
Application Fixed missing error messages for broken command line
options [Bug
1449153]. Fixed broken error message if JAI was missing or the
JVM was ourdated. This resulted in a
MissingResourceException because localization is not set
that early. Consequently, these error messages will not be
localitezed any more [Bug
1438796]. Fixed archive cache handling if more than once
client accessed the same comic. Added option to change cache size in . For example, to use
a 4 GB cache, specify: archiveCacheSizeInMb=4096. The
default is 512 MB. Added possibility to use mouse to navigate pages [Feature
request 1087618].
Revision 0.9.17 | 12-Mar-2006 |
Application Fixed (at least to some extent) the fact that the
keyboard seemingly stopped working after hiding the tool
bar of the information view. For some reason, Swing can't
really cope with a panel changing to setVisible(false) in
a visible window. However, it does not mind settings a
components preferred size to (0, 0), which in combination
with a validate() also hides the component [Bug
1024731 and bug
1114531]. Nevertheless, the page up and down key
will still not let you read the comic because they get
assigned to one of the scroll bars. Work-around: use the
space key or command-left and right instead, or restart
the application. This issue continues in bug
1445957. Fixed archive cache, which did not re-extract the
archive if one or more images were missing from the cache
for some reason. Fixed display of page numbers for landscape images
when viewing with
disabled, which showed only a
single page number in the title bar. Fixed "go back a few pages" command, which went back
only one page. Changed Mac OS application to stay open if the comic
window is closed, and added a frameless menu for this
case. On other platforms, closing the last window still
closes the application [Feature
request 1220018]. Changed file dialogs to use Java's own
JFileChooser instead of the system
dependant FileDialog . This is a
good thing for most Unixes because theirs file dialogs
often suck even more than the Java one, or are buggy
beyond compare. This is also a good thing for Windows XP
because when preselecting a previously opened ZIP comic,
the native file dialog treated it as a directory of images
- which Jomic cannot not open. However, this is a bad
thing for Mac OS because it harms user interface
consistency. Oh well. Changed toolbar images from Java
Look and Feeld graphics repository to Crystal
icons, and added toolbar images for some more
commands I could find sensible images for. Added Quaqua,
which enhances the Apple look and feel under Mac OS X.
Most important, it provides a file and color dialog
(JFileChooser and
JColorChooser ) that roughly
simulate the user experience of the native dialogs. Added
to convert between different comic and image
formats, and optionally limit the size of images. Added automatic resize of displayed images when the
window size changes, and changed the "Fit to ..." entries
in the View menu to radio menu items. Added python script to launch command line Jomic
from Mac OS X application bundle.
Development Changed XML pretty printer from Tidy to Xerces. This
implies: No more need for stupid " " to prevent
Tidy from killing blanks. No more stupid blanks inserted by Tidy [Bug
1253487]. Only ASCII characters are allowed for now. Most
likely this can be fixed, but it probably requires to
read messy documentation about Java and XML. If anyone
feels like it, take a look at
net.sf.jomic.XmlPrettyPrinter . Large portions of some XML documents got
reformatted because Xerces sorts attributes
Changed JomicFrame to process
only comic related commands, and delegate all other
commands to
JomicApplication .
Revision 0.9.16 | 01-Jan-2006 |
Application Fixed
IncompatibleClassChangeError preventing
Jomic from exiting properly under Mac OS X. As far as I
can tell, this was caused by a reference to an older
version of xerces which was not distributed with Jomic,
but installed in the local Java "endorsed" directory
during compile time [
Bug 1388363]. Fixed improper error message without JAI installed [
Bug 1304663]. Fixed broken image display in WebStart release
caused by outdated
WrapLog.jar . Added precaching of images needed to show next page
Feature request 1188651].
Revision 0.9.15 | 20-Dec-2005 |
Application Fixed visibility of info panel on startup. Fixed progress bar staying in background of "Open
error" dialog. Changed icon in window title bar to use the Jomic
logo instead of the Java default icon. This only makes a
difference on platforms that support this feature. Added memory cache for images. The current state of
the cache can be seen using
. Added disk cache for extracted archives. The current
state of the cache can be seen using
. Added thumb nails for pages. Use
to see them. Added shortcuts for KDE and Gnome when using the
Jomic-Installer.jar .
Revision 0.9.14 | 25-Sep-2005 |
Application Fixed that sometimes after opening an archive, the
first page did not show [
Bug 1295961]. Fixed broken classpath in Windows launcher script
Bug 1303933]. This should not happen in future
releases because from now on jomic.bat
is derived from by a
Revision 0.9.13 | 16-Sep-2005 |
Application Fixed
, which did not do anything
upon selection [
Bug 1232441]. Fixed comic selection in "open comic in archive":
picked the wrong of two index variables, which could
result in the wrong comic to be opened, or an
error. Fixed wrong localization keys for error message when
JAI was not installed. Fixed cancelling of color chooser for
: when cancelling after the
color was already changed and "OK'ed", it reverted to the
color set at application start, and not the one from the
last change. Changed paths for comic images shown with
to be relative as stored
in the archive. Changed info panel to be visible on startup
depending on corresponding setting. Removed directories from selection in "open comic in
archive" dialog. Added command line option --continue to open comic
read when running Jomic the last time [
Feature request 1188652] Added "Show internal call stack" check box to error
dialogs (in case a stack was passed). While this is not
particular helpful for end users, it simplifies debugging
of the Web Start release as I cannot figure out where the
log ends up for this release. Fixed flickering when opening comic caused by
showing the front page twice. Improved splash screen: changed image to plain logo
using 4:3 aspect ratio [Thomas Kutschera], changed size to
depend on screen dimension, and added version
number. Updated to current libraries: IzPack 3.7.2,
MRJAdapter 1.09, PDFBox 0.7.1. This is just house keeping
and does not address any particular issues.
Documentation Development Cleaned up error handling: Collected some utility
methods to simplify error handling and reporting in
ErrorTools . Consolidated code to
show error dialogs. Use one of the following
methods: JomicTools.showError()
for localized messages during "normal" runtime.
for non-localized messages before
LocaleTools can be
Both these methods call
ErrorTools.showError() , which is
somewhat raw and should not be called directly. Changed handling of default values for properties,
in particular Settings : the old way
was to write methods like
Settings.getShowToolbar() , which
specified a default by calling
true) . However, other parts of the code (in
particular BooleanSettingMenuItem )
are too general to call these wrappers, and have to call
without knowing about the default value specified in
Settings.getShowToolbar() . This
Bug 1232441. Now property default values have to be specifed
using BasicSettings.setDefault() .
To avoid future bugs in this area,
defaultValue) has been depracted and throws
an IllegalStateException .
This is ugly because it practically removed this method
from the Properties interface.
However, Jomic-wise, this method should not be used
anymore because it just causes confusion.
Revision 0.9.12 | 02-Jul-2005 |
Revision 0.9.11 | 28-Jun-2005 |
Application Fixed missing JAR in launcher scripts and
jomic.bat , and in installer [
Bug 1228058]. Fixed broken JAR in Web Start release. (Seems that
for some reason it got corrupted during upload). Fixed online help by moving manpage to separate document.
This works around a bug in the DocBook XSL stylesheet for
JavaHelp, which seems to be incapable of producing valid
HTML from <refentry> or one of its children. Added black border around splash screen.
Documentation Fixed non-valid HTML and missing links in user
guide, developer guide, and FAQ. This was caused by a bug
in Xalan 2.4
anf fixed by switching to Xalan 2.6. (Developer note: While I knew about the fix for
quite a while, it took me ages to figure how to convince
ant to actually use the updated Xalan.
Turns out on Mac OS X 10.3, xalan.jar 2.4 is included in
and can not be replaced using funky
-classpath magic. Instead, you have to
resort to violence and copy it to
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Home/lib/endorsed/ .
While this works for now, it will eventually cause
headache. Oh the joy of classpath...).
Revision 0.9.10 | 19-Jun-2005 |
Application Fixed drag and drop in Finder, which sometimes did
not work upon launching Jomic. Instead, the "Open comic"
dialog popped up [
Bug 976914]. (Developer note: This fix applies two changes:
First, the event handler for Mac OS X "open document"
events is installed before doing anything else, so no
events can get lost. Second, Jomic does not use
MRJAdapter's Application.addOpenDocumentListener() rather
than MRJApplicationUtils.registerOpenDocumentHandler().
While this works, it is ugly because MRJApplicationUtils
got deprecated with MacOS X 10.3.) Fixed launching of Web Start release: on some
machines, clicking the "Start!" link downloaded the
application and libraries, but afterwards silently failed.
This happened if there was an outdated local version of
JAI installed utilizing the native libraries. The Web
Start release includes the most current JAI version, but
without native libraries. Apparently, current Java classes
cannot work with outdated native libraries. The fix simply
disables native libraries for the Web Start release [
Bug 1181049]. Changed "Open comic" dialog to preselect most recent
comic. This also works after a restart [
Feature request 1219504]. Added recognition of ".jp2" file name suffix as JPEG
2000. For some reason, ImageIO does not seem recognize it
by itself. Added --help command line option to show a list of
possible options and exit. Added --license command line option to show a short
summary of the license Jomic is distributed under and
exit. Added --version command line option to show the
version number and exit. Added splash screen for Mac OS X release because
especially on slower machines, Jomic takes ages before
giving a visual indication that something is
happening. Added "Read me " and license text files to Mac OS X
Documentation Fixed section on installation. As of version 0.9.9,
both the Mac OS X and WebStart release include JAI.
Consequently, the Mac OS X release simply "just works" out
of the box. Added manpage
describing all command line options.
Development Added Java Simple Argument Parser (JSAP) to parse
command line options. For more information, see Added early startup logging going to
System.out . To enable it, set the
system property
net.sf.jomic.logStartup to "true". Use
this kind of logging only before
Jomic.setup() has been
Revision 0.9.9 | 23-May-2005 |
Application Fixed check if page is in range at
. Fixed handling of ZIP archives whose contents use
ASCII file names. The ZIP specification does not
provide any means to tell the encoding, which results in
Bug 4244499 (place #2 in the Bug-Top-25). The fix
was to switch to an alternative ZIP implementation, namely
the one used by ant. Regression tests
showed that the test to reproduce Sun
Bug 4615343 failed, so I hack-fixed this and
submitted Ant
Bug 35000 [
Bug 1196175]. Fixed leveling of heights in two page mode: until
yet, heights were leveled only if the two images had a
similar aspect ratio. Now they are also leveled if the
images have a similar height. This improves rendering of
images that spawn for example four thirds of the width of
a single page [
Bug 1188149]. Fixed File > Reveal for file names with
characters that needed to be AppleScript-escaped. The fix
was to get rid of calling a dynamically created
AppleScript using osascript. Instead we
simply call
NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().selectFile() [
Bug 1101235] Fixed missing executable file mode (the x-bit) for [
Bug 1101228] Changed
to use the internal JavaHelp viewer. Among other
features, this adds a nice search function. Changed
to show the list of open
requests instead of a form to submit a new one. This
should reduce the amount of requests for full screen mode
;-). Added German localization. If you want to write
translations for other languages, see the chapter on
the developer guide. Added property sortMode. The default value is
"natural", which implies the same sort order as with the
previous version of Jomic. You can change the value to
"smart" to treat names like for example "image-1617.png"
same as "image-16+17.png". This should fix many seemingly
out-of-sequence images. The only problem with it is that
with some file names it is not clear where the
volume/issue number ends and the page number starts. (Of
course, to really fix this the creator of the comic
archive should have named them properly in the first
place.) [
Feature request 1081821]. Added JAI-related JARs to Mac OS X application
bundle. This yields the following improvements: No more need to install JAI manually. Apart from
the annoyance, it apparently did not work with some
10.3.8 machines. (Read the related
forum threadfor details) Up-to-date JARs from the Linux distribution.
Apple's distribution is from late 2003. Support for additional image formats is already
included, most notably JPEG 2000.
The main disadvantage is that the application size
more than tripples. Added "busy" mouse pointer while rendering image to
Revision 0.9.8 | 16-Mar-2005 |
Application Fixed unrar tool included with
MacOS X release. (It did not work because the executable
bit got lost by the <dmg> ant task. This release's
*.dmg is built by an ugly-but-working <exec
executable="hdiutil">.) Changed line with system information to be logged
before Jomic checks for requirements. That way, if
something is lacking, log files included in bug reports
still contain system information.
Revision 0.9.7 | 13-Mar-2005 |
Application Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when opening a
comic that did not have any of the recognized file name
suffixes. (This was only possible from the command line,
for example using a CBZ comic named "something.txt". Jomic
did still recognize and open the archive because of the
"magic" file header, but got confused when computing the
previous/next comic based on this name.) Fixed silly bug in suffix-based detection of RAR
archives. In practice, it did not matter because RAR
archives have been successfully detected by the "magic
bytes" in the file header. Changed selection of line in info panel to behave
like a
. Added experimental support for PDF comics. The
implementation uses PDFBox, available from For now, only
JFIF/JPEG images work, PDF documents containing other
image formats result in a
NullPointerException . Added
Feature request 1086835], and changed color of
unused window area also to use it (instead of whatever the
LayoutManager chooses depending on the platform). Added possibility to navigate menus using mnemonics
on platforms that support this. (Note: The mnemonics are
automatically derived from the menu labels, and might
change if menu entries are moved or relabeled.)
Development Changed logging library from log4j-core to
log4j-1.2.9 because of PDFBox. Finally converted the last few remaining crappy
shell scripts to decent ant targets. (Well, there is one
left but it is rarely used and will be gone once I can
find non-quasimodo toolbar images, so I'm not going to
convert this.) Changed communication of between
Settings and
net.sf.jomic.ui.* to use
PropertyChangeListeners . Added test
report to home page. It is really painful to make
Ant, Eclipse, and jUnit work together. See
Revision 0.9.6 | 03-Jan-2005 |
Application Fixed installer by adding work-around for
"FileNotFoundException:" during installation. The
installer tried to be smart and install
only on platforms that can handle them. Unfortunately, it
afterwards tried to modify files that have not been
copied. See IzPack's [
Bug 002982] for details. The caveat is that now
all scripts are installed, independent of the
platform. Fixed opening of web browser for platforms other
than Mac OS X. (I missread the MRJAdapter documentation,
believing that BrowserLauncher is
already included with MRJAdapter.) Added
for Windows. Unlike the Mac OS X variant, it only
opens the directory with the archive in the Explorer, but
does not highlight it.
Revision 0.9.5 | 27-Dec-2004 |
Application Fixed "Cannot find unrar resource" error when
starting Web Start release under Mac OS X. Fixed missing refresh of window title when toggling
. Fixed cancel of opening comic during "Analyzing
images" phase. Fixed AssertionError when window became to small to
display image. Fixed cleanup: when attempting to open a broken
archive, an empty directory remained in the internal cache
directory. Changed Web Start release to use separate JAR files
instead of the "big" Jomic.jar. This reduces the amount to
download for updates. Added Installer (using IzPack). Added Mac OS X document icon.
Development Cleaned up naming of properties. They all now start
with net.sf.jomic, for example jomic.home is now called
net.sf.jomic.home. Furthermore, you can now specify all
properties from at the java command line,
provided that they are prefixed properly, for example:
java ... -Dnet.sf.jomic.showToolbar=true
.... The properties are documented in
common.PropertyConstants. Added instructions on how to use the source code
archive. Summary: Use it to look at the code, and use the
CVS for building the code.
Revision 0.9.4 | 15-Nov-2004 |
Fixed all experienced negative effects of switching to
ImageIO (with version 0.9.3) by falling back to JAI's
"FileLoad" operator when ImageIO can not figure out an image
(even if it is valid, like 12-color gray scale images). This
also restores built-in TIFF support. Fixed
(or height) with
enabled; it
was shown just the other way round [
Bug 1062686]. Fixed stop in progress bar during opening comic. Improved performance when browsing pages in huge comics
(for example 10000 images) with
Revision 0.9.3 | 01-Nov-2004 |
Fixed drag and drop in Mac OS X Finder. Everything that
worked in 0.9.1 works again.
Bug 976914 is still there, though. Fixed visibility of scroll bars with
: due to
rounding errors during zoom, the image sometimes ended up 1
pixel too large, resulting in unwanted scrollbars. Improved recognition of images: instead of a (buggy)
hard-coded list of suffixes, all suffixes recognized by Java
ImageIO are taken into account. By default, these are PNG,
JFIF/JPEG and GIF. On the negative side, this drops built-in support for
TIFF. If you use one of the supported platforms, you can get a
decent set of formats by installing
JAI Image I/O Tools. In particular, this includes JPEG
2000 and TIFF. Unfortunately, JAI Image I/O Tools do not
support Mac OS X. Although Mac OS X already has Apple's own TIFF plugin
installed, it seems to be broken for images with Intel-byte
order. To sum it up: If you want to read TIFF-based comics
under Mac OS X, use Jomic 0.9.1. Changed internal computation of image sizes during
laying out pages to use ImageIO. This implies: Parsing JPEG/JFIF and PNG uses no homebrew code
anymore. If it does not work now, it's
not-my-fault. Parsing GIF is much faster because it does not read
the whole image anymore. Parsing TIFF will not work anymore unless you
install a proper ImageIO plugin (see above).
Feature request 994262]. Added
Feature request 1044130]. Added
to view platform details,
memory status and available ImageIO plugins.
Revision 0.9.2 | 17-Oct-2004 |
Fixed ugly flickering when switching from a page
consisting of 2 images to a page containing only one image.
Instead of showing 2 images in separate panels, Jomic now
computes one big image containing both images, and displays
it. On the downside, this approximately doubles the amount of
memory required for displaying such a page. Fixed display of 4-bit images [
Bug 976911]. Added support for Java Web Start. This simplifies
installation for users of platforms other than Mac OS
X. Improved usage of screen space when showing two images
enabled: if both images have about the same ratio,
they are scaled to have the same height. Otherwise, they are
scaled to have the same width. Improved viewing of comics with left and right image
swaped: Changed position of scroll bars to top right when
turning a page. Before, this changed the scroll bars to
the top left corner, although the user did not start
reading there. [
Feature request 1036974] Renamed to
. Changed
to be selectables even if
is disabled. This is useful
because if a single image does not fit the window, the
user still wants to start reading at the top right.
Cleaned up capitalization of menu labels. Updated to MRJAdapter 1.08.
Revision 0.9.1 | 08-Aug-2004 |
Changed application launch: if no comic is passed, Jomic
opens a file dialog instead of an empty window. Changed sorting of file names for comic images,
, and
to ignore
case ( s00paman_v1_c01.cbz now comes
before s00paman_V1_c02.cbz - note the
upper case V) and natural (
s00paman_v1_c99.cbz now comes before
s00paman_v1_c100.cbz ; before you had to
use s00paman_v1_c099.cbz ). Changed display of page numbers to adapt to state of
. For example, the text "Page 5 and
6 of 31" changes to "Page 6 and 5 of 31". Added
to show current comic in Finder.
Revision 0.9.0 | 21-Jul-2004 |
on startup: although the checkmark
in the menu was restored properly, the images were not
actually swapped. Fixed stuck application on some corrupted CBZ archives
by adding a work-around for Sun
Bug 4615343 (
ZipFile.entries() throws
java.lang.InternalError ).
Revision 0.8.13 | 15-Jul-2004 |
Fixed disabled
on startup if
unchecked. Fixed default value in dialog for
Bug 976906]. Fixed error handling for
(broken numbers and
pages out of range). Changed default logging from DEBUG
to INFO and added logging configuration.
Revision 0.8.12 | 11-Jul-2004 |
Changed View menu to be disabled if no comic is loaded
yet. This prevents an
AssertionException . Improved error handling: a broken GIF or TIFF image does
not anymore stop opening a comic. Added
to read two pages from right to
left. This is useful for reading Japanese comics (Manga
mode). Removed test classes from distribution, saving about 30
KB of disk space. Updated to MRJAdapter 1.07. This fixes the scrollbar
position in the About dialog, and adds support for than
Mac OS X.
Revision 0.8.11 | 15-Jun-2004 |
Fixed bug: When opening a comic using drag and drop in
the Mac OS X Finder, occasionally the error message "cannot
handle application event (type=5)" showed up. The actual
reason for that was a NullPointerException caused by
initialializing an internal field too late. Fixed missing user-guide, available via → . This was lost after reorganizing the
documentation in 0.8.10. Fixed resource leak: Added removal of already extracted
files if the extraction is interrupted (for example by some
error). Users of older versions of Jomic should make sure the
cache directory is empty by removing
~/Library/Caches/jomic . Moved progress bar from tool bar to own window. This
prevents the possibly hidden toolbar area to show during
opening of a comic, which looked pretty clumsy. Added "Cancel" button while opening a comic. Improved recognition of archive type: if the archive
file starts with "PK", assume it is CBZ. if it starts with
"Rar!", assume it is CBR. Otherwise, look at the file suffix
(just as before). This fixes the issue that Jomic reported ZIP
archives ending in ".cbr" (or RAR archives ending in ".cbz")
as broken. [
Task 98650] Added icon [Thomas Kutschera;
Task 95169]
Revision 0.8.10 | 05-Jun-2004 |
Fixed menu shortcut for → : for some reason, Command Alt
T was not rendered in the menu, although the shortcut
itself worked. Strangly, this only happend if Jomic was
launched from the Finder, but worked if launched from the
Eclipse developer environment. It still is unclear why this
happens, but you can now use Command B to
show/hide the toolbar. Fixed display of page numbers: now the numbers match the
user's expectation, for example double images represet two
pages. Before, each image was considered to be one
page. Moved display of pages number from toolbar to title bar.
This ensures that the page number is visible even without the
toolbar being shown. Improved dialog when attempting to open an archive
without any images: Simplified long buttons labels: now there is only
one button to "extract contents". To not open the comic,
disable the new "Open selected comic". Changed dialog type from "error" to
Added keyboard shortcuts to go to first (
Home) and last ( End)
page. Added keyboard shortcuts to go to next few pages (
Alt Page Down) and previous few pages (
Alt Page Up) to speed up skipping
uninteresting sections. Added → and. → Added → to go to a certain page number. Added keyboard shortcuts to go to first (
Home) and last ( End)
Revision 0.8.9 | 02-May-2004 |
Added some keyboard
shortcuts to navigate in comic [
Request 937652]. Added → to show/hide the toolbar. This can preserve
some screen space [
Request 941993]. Added → to show some information about the images in
the comic. Changed handling of broken images: instread of showing
an error message, Jomic shows a "broken" default image in the
comic view. To find out why it is broken, use → . Improved handling of non-comic archives: If Jomic
detects an archive that does not contain any images, it opens
a dialog with the following options: Extract the archive (to a directory named after
the archive, located in the directory of the archive).
For example, "/Users/me/comics/blah.cbz" is extracted to
"/Users/me/comic/blah" Extract the archive (as above), and view the first
comic in it. This options is only available if there
actually are comics in the archive. Cancel
Increased movement speed of scrollbars (for → ) when using the mouse wheel or arrow
Revision 0.8.8 | 20-Apr-2004 |
Revision 0.8.7 | 19-Apr-2004 |
Fixed Mac OS X application name: Activity Viewer/top now
lists Jomic as "Jomic" instead of "JavaApplicationStub" Changed last few references to MRJ Toolkit to MRJ
Adapter. As a result, Jomic compiles and basically runs on
platforms other than Mac OS X. Changed logging library to reduce bloat. Instead of
log4j-1.2.8 (about 330k), Jomic now uses log4j-core (about
80k), which is based on log4j-1.1.3.
Removed unused images to reduce bloat. Added → and → . In case there are several comics in the same
directory as the current comic, this opens the next/previous
issue. Added → . Added mailing lists for
users and
developers. Use → .
Revision 0.8.6 | 09-Apr-2004 |
Fixed Mac OS X application event handling: Opening a
comic from the finder did launch Jomic, but failed to open the
comic because the event handler was installed too late. [
Task 96626] Fixed OutOfMemoryError with big
images. Viewing 2000x3000 images in two page mode now works
(JVM option -Xmx in
Info.plist ). Improved progress bar Fixed indeterminate progress bar while obtaining
the number of images in the archive Changed progress bar to use a bigger weight for
extracting an image than for getting the size of an
image Added progress bar for .cbr archives [
Task 95145]
Added enabling/disabling of menu items and tool bar
icons depending on the operation currently performing. This
also fixes a bug where the user could open a comic while
already opening a comic, resulting in a locked user
interface. Added export of current image. Use → . If the user views two pages, only the left
one is exported. Switch to single page mode to also get the
right one. Added help menu entries to get support. Enabled internal consistency checks in release version,
not only during development and testing (JVM option
-enableassertions in
Info.plist ).
Revision 0.8.5 | 01-Apr-2004 |
Revision 0.8.4 | 28-Mar-2004 |
fixed bug: menu → and → did not check if they are about to exceed the
available pages. improved performance for evaluating the size of
JFIF/JPEG and PNG images improved information shown in error dialog:
if the related Java exception has a null-message,
the dialog at least shows the name of the exception. Of
course, this is not really useful to an end user, but it
helps when mentioned in a bug report. Short introduction
to popular Java exceptions:
java.lang.AssertionException means
"coder is an idiot", everything else means "coder is a
complete idiot" ;-) the message now includes the message of all
related earlier errors (
Throwable.getCause() ), which is
particular helpful when the messages conform to the
"cannot do something" schema; all internal exceptions
tunneled by Jomic should.
changed progress bar to not reset between extracting and
reading images
Revision 0.8.3 | 25-Mar-2004 |
fixed bug: empty directories are now removed from cache
path when quitting or opening a new comic. if you used an
earlier version of Jomic, you have to remove the old cache
directory manually. to do that, open a terminal and type:
rm -r /tmp/jomic added two page mode; use menu → . note that opening a comic now takes longer
because Jomic needs to determine the size of all images in
order to decide if a page is a double page or not. The current
implementation is particular slow because it reads the whole
image for that (task 95166). added toolbar icons from the Java
look and feel Graphics Repository added progress bar when extracting .cbz archives moved cache path from /tmp/jomic to
~/Library/Caches/jomic wrapped the dreaded MRJToolkit with MRJ
Adapter; this should make it easier to support other
platforms while retaining the Mac OS X features.
Revision 0.8.2 | 15-Mar-2004 |
Revision 0.8.1 | 14-Mar-2004 |