Screenshot Jomic is a viewer and converter for comic books stored in CBZ, CBR and PDF files. Features include a two page mode, caching and support for several image formats (PNG, JFIF/JPEG, TIFF and GIF). It is Open Source software distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Jomic.dmg Download Jomic for Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

Disabled menu bug - Because of bug 3295188 all menus are disabled if you open a comic using the "Open comic" dialog on application launch. As a workaround, open comics by dragging and dropping them on the application. Alternatively you can use keyboard shortcuts (Command-O to open comics, Command-Shift-C to convert comics) - yes, they work even with the menus disabled.

Jomic Start Jomic using Java Web Start.
Jomic-Installer.jar Download Jomic-Installer for other platforms. You need Java 1.4 (or later).

If you want to contribute or just toy with the source code, read the Developer Guide for hints on how to get started.